Use 'seek refuge' in a sentence | 'seek refuge' example sentences

1- There are many places where a homeless person might seek refuge .

2- He sought refuge in vague and ambiguous promises.

3- Those who stayed behind sought refuge among Indonesian friends.

4- Many slaves sought refuge near growing American Indian settlements.

5- We seek refuge in Allah from such names.

6- The ground started shaking and people rushed outside to seek refuge .

7- Animals from the forests seek refuge in human homes.

8- Approximately 1,100 people sought refuge across the island.

9- It is a space where I seek refuge from noise.

10- Loretta guessed they had sought refuge in the buffet car.

11- People were killed after seeking refuge at this school under construction.

12- They sought refuge in the space under the roof .

13- Others sought refuge abroad, particularly in France.

14- Many urban homeless were seeking refuge in subway stations and bus depots.

15- As night descended, they sought refuge in a nearby cave.

16- Some at last determined to seek refuge in Holland.

17- The village priests slaughtered the French who sought refuge among them.

18- Many Sioux continued to cross the border to seek refuge .

19- Brahma directed them to seek refuge with Vishnu.

20- Robins sought refuge in travel to Norway in 1888.

21- The result was that they would have sought refuge elsewhere.

22- Some of the councillors sought refuge in the cathedral.

23- They sought refuge west and north of Lake Michigan.

24- They sought refuge with a butcher who lived outside the city.

25- Thousands of Albanians seek refuge in Greece.

26- Who has prompted you to seek refuge from the coming judgment?

27- Run to seek refuge in Christ Jesus.

28- The traumatised woman sought refuge in her parents ' house.

29- Meanwhile, more than from nearby sought refuge in the fort.

30- Nearly two million Syrians have sought refuge in these camps.

31- Only because they were Hindus seeking refuge in a mosque?

32- Many Ocean Jews had sought refuge in the Netherlands.

33- The Cathars sought refuge at these sites.

34- Their last album, Seeking Refuge , was released in 1995.

35- South Sudanese rebels slaughtered hundreds seeking refuge in mosques in the area.

36- Two that had sought refuge in Magdalena Bay were driven aground.

37- Rebel survivors of the battle sought refuge in nearby provinces and villages.

38- Meanwhile, settlers in that region sought refuge in blockhouses.

39- All these forces sought refuge in the BiraÄ region.

40- In 1755, friendly Indians again sought refuge at Aughwick. "Today's attack is an attempt to break the spirits of the people who came to seek refuge.

41- The UNCHR expects that another seven to eight thousand Afghans may seek refuge in Tajikistan in 2010.

42- Meanwhile, along the benches, the older townsfolk seek refuge from the sun under shade of the trees, keeping guard whilst their children play.

43- During his papacy, Peter II of Alexandria was obliged for a while to seek refuge in Rome from the persecuting Arians.

44- There are many places where a homeless person might seek refuge.

45- Augsburg escaped while the destroyers covered the retreat of the Albatross, which was severely damaged and forced to seek refuge in neutral Swedish waters.

46- The Dharma is one of the Three Jewels of Buddhism in which practitioners of Buddhism seek refuge, or that upon which one relies for his or her lasting happiness.

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