Use 'seeds' in a sentence | 'seeds' example sentences

51- The seeds of plants breathe all the time.

52- The new laws sowed the seeds of revolution.

53- The wind carries seeds for great distances.

54- The seeds will become flowers in the summer.

55- The farmer is scattering seeds over the field.

56- His indecision sowed the seeds of future trouble.

57- He prevailed on the farmers to try the new seeds.

58- When spring comes, they dig up the fields and plant seeds.

59- She has an abundant supply of seeds to plant in the spring.

60- The salad was topped with a sprinkling of roasted sesame seeds.

61- The grass seeds must be scattered evenly over the area being planted.

62- scavengerSunflower seeds in a bird feeder will attract the greatest variety of wild birds.

63- Stanley Arnold once noted that every problem contains the seeds of its own solution.

64- Squirrels bury the nuts and seeds they gather like tiny pirates burying their treasure.

65- Stanley Arnold once observed that every problem contains the seeds of its own solution.

66- There is an Indian proverb which says that a harvest of peace grows from seeds of contentment.

67- The feathered balls you hit with a battledore are the seeds of a large tree called 'soapberry'.

68- Ancient Romans enjoyed eating mustard seeds mashed into a paste, and mixed with unfermented grape juice.

69- Some orangutans have discovered how to use sticks to extract insects from tree holes or to wedge out seeds from fruits.

70- We got a couple of scoops of almonds, some oatmeal and some sunflower seeds from the health food store to put in the cereal.

71- The cones of the jack pine, for example, do not readily open to release their seeds until they have been subjected to great heat.

72- The birds were perched on the fence as I seeded the area with grass, waiting for me to leave, so they could come down and eat all the seeds.

73- Tropical bats are key elements in rain forest ecosystems, which rely on the bats to pollinate flowers, and disperse seeds for countless trees and shrubs.

74- So it might finally be safe to plant those flowers and garden seeds.

75- While Wozniacki was advancing, other leading seeds were knocked out.

76- The new development also sows the seeds of strong polarization in Taiwan.

77- 795673The seeds are collected for animal feed or crushed for cooking oil.

78- Several thousand seeds were harvested from plants during the move to Sevan.

79- For good measure, they're often covered with pumpkin, sesame or poppy seeds.

80- Obviously, the seeds of suspicion fell on fertile ground in eastern Ukraine.

81- Half of the top 10 seeds in the women's draw are already out of the U.S. Open.

82- Plug your nostrils, add soil, sow seeds, hang around, and-hey presto-potatoes.

83- The top four seeds were, in order, Alabama, Oregon, Florida State and Ohio State.

84- Before long, he added christmas ornaments, fish, seeds, ballpoint pens and pencils.

85- The taste of chia seeds, organic raspberry compote, and whole oats gives her energy.

86- Get the recipe for this Beauty Bark with Chia seeds, Pepitas, and Goji Berries here.

87- It's that group of 11 seeds that could have to play an extra game in the First Four.

88- And that's when the seeds of her book "The Whistle Blower's Confession" were planted.

89- High-fat, high-energy foods such as suet and sunflower seeds are preferable in winter.

90- Only four of the top 10 ladies' seeds are still playing, while 7 of the top 10 men remain.

91- 639941So the film is called Sowing seeds and it's about that literally and metaphorically.

92- Chewing fennel seeds, parsley or cloves were the most common recommendations for bad breath.

93- There's teams that we're playing that are playoff seeds, but we're trying to get better too.

94- They give you a machete and a few cacao seeds and then they forget about you, she complained.

95- The nine top seeds in Europe - including Wales and England - will first be drawn into a group.

96- Is Monsanto bad for selling genetically modified seeds or driving a hard bargain with farmers?”

97- It's one of many moments in Kent's youth that planted the seeds for his adventure travel empire.

98- Our manic importation of chia seeds, quinoa, goji berries, etc. is disturbing global ecosysteMs. 816483The urns themselves are biodegradable and aside from human ashes, they also contain seeds.

99- Rwanda provides another compelling example of the power of forgiveness to sow the seeds of peace.

100- The winner of Friday's playoff game between the top two seeds advances directly to Sunday's final.

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