Use 'it seems' in a sentence | 'it seems' example sentences

51- I need to adjust the brightness of my computer monitor, it seems a bit dark.

52- Using a computer seemed pretty complex to me at first, but now it seems very simple.

53- And it seems they don't have the slightest intent of coming back so .

54- .

55- .

56- I don't like to keep birds in a cage, it seems cruel to prevent them from flying around.

57- Seeing that he's not preparing at all, it seems that he's not planning to take the exam.

58- However, in general, it seems that the Emperors had continued without seeking worldly power.

59- Nowadays, it seems there are fewer people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their country.

60- And so it seems she tried phoning but it's who was on the other end of that phone that was the problem.

61- Arthur Koestler once remarked that the more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards.

62- Or rather it seems, Kensuke arrived at the studio at the same that I and the other two were still coming.

63- Although astrology has no scientific basis, it's very popular and it seems that many people believe in it.

64- Lately it seems that no matter how much I sleep, I stay tired.

65- I wonder if I've come down with something se.

66- I didn't really understand the math problem at first, but my friend explained it to me, and now it seems pretty clear.

67- In the past, it seems that it was considered good manners for children to simply be silent observers of others' conversations.

68- I don't know whether she believed me or not but in any case it seems she doesn't automatically dismiss talk of the supernatural.

69- However, it seems that just because it's a 'low risk day' doesn't mean that you won't get pregnant from intravaginal ejaculation.

70- In armies all over the world, it seems that new recruits are generally treated badly by those who have been in the military for a while.

71- People say that when Edinburgh Castle is lit up at night, it seems to float against the blackness of sky and rock like a castle in the air.

72- Oh, while I remember, it seems that that was a bug that occurs when you use the comment field's 'letterspacing' tag which adjusts the tracking.

73- These two have completely different patterning but no difference is seen in their internal morphology so it seems that they are considered the same.

74- For my multitalented sister, able do anything with ease, it seems that my commonplace self is something whose existence she finds very hard to forgive.

75- In today's schools, where writing is used as a way of encouraging clear thinking, it seems that reading a variety of literary genres has a positive effect on writing.

76- Although it seems very obvious today that culture exerts a strong influence on your thoughts and actions, this notion was largely overlooked in mainstream psychology for many years.

77- United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold once stated that it seems that once an allegation has been repeated a few times, it is no longer an allegation, it is an established fact, even if no evidence has been brought out in order to support it.

78- Still, it seems every year that a few miss (or ignore?) the message.

79- And now, it seems, a marriage counsellor has got involved: the CRTC.

80- He says he is not well and too weak, but it seems he is overwhelmed.

81- And if you get the maths right, it seems less like a contradiction."

82- That, it seems, is mostly beyond the purview of the 288-page report.

83- Belichick says his team deals with the issue "it seems like weekly."

84- To me it seems like just another Philly scene, but Sam is fascinated.

85- 326160If it seems like we've come full circle, then perhaps we have.

86- It's this sort of reaction that it seems Creadon is trying to dispel.

87- 880040Unfortunately it seems to be perceived as one, continued Mayer."

88- 880038Unfortunately, it seems like all we'll have is wishful thinking.

89- On this day, it seems the only sad faces are those on the losing teaMs. Further proof, if needed, that the internet is often not what it seems. 903698We do not exist, it seems, in Pope Francis' world, Miranda said."

90- Each year, it seems like it gets earlier and earlier, explained Stearns.

91- That could change under a new U.S. administration, but it seems unlikely.

92- As soon as I can find that person, it seems like the better life will be."

93- However, it seems those years and the political differences placed behind.

94- Classical music, it seems, has been “on death’s door” for about 700 years.

95- But it seems to me that we are missing the point - yoga is not about money.

96- But, it seems investors are taking a hint from declining market conditions.

97- On the outside, it seems to be a top-of-the-line smartphone like any other.

98- Amanda's life, it seems, was filled with personal demons, arrests and drugs.

99- 49969And it seems to confirm just about every horrible cliché about Africa.

100- I remember in 2003 - it seems like just yesterday but 12 years goes by fast.

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Related Words:
it would seem - as it may seem - seem as though - seem like - so it seems - seemed - seem weird - it seems - it seems that - it seems to me - there seem - seeming - seemingly - seemings - seemliest -

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