
Expressions - Collocations of the word " avant "

" avant "Collocations - Expressions
avant1) He was active in the avant guard music circles.

2) avant said she hit the car while trying to park.

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avant garde art1) He has exerted profound influence on modern and avant garde art.

2) This became a venue for exhibitions of Australian Modernist avant garde art.

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avant garde composer1) I would have guessed I was hearing either the work of an avant garde composer who had managed to expunge every trace of European classical learning or the brilliant pecking of an idiot savant.

2) His mother Winifred Keane is an avant garde composer, and his dad George F. Keane, while being a successful business man, was also an Irish tenor.

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avant garde film1) Traditional and established avant garde film teaches film to be an image, a representing.

2) Around this time, Watson began to delve in avant garde films, leaving Moore to her own auspices as editor-in-chief.

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avant garde music1) In fact the idea of actually playing avant garde music for pleasure is laughable.

2) The Healers became infamous locally for their mainly improvised lyrics and avant garde music.

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avant garde1) He has exerted profound influence on modern and avant garde art.

2) Some offer traditional pedagogy while some are avant garde and high tech.

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avant la lettre1) The Radical and Radical-Socialist parties were petit-bourgeois parties largely avant la lettre.

2) It is likely that sumud, avant la lettre, was part of a collective Palestinian consciousness of struggling for and clinging to the land that goes back at least to the British Mandate time.

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Expressions with the word avant

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