
Expressions - Collocations of the word " ascetic "

" ascetic "Collocations - Expressions
ascetic1) Some traditions emphasize ascetic life more than others.
2) Louis became an extremely devout and ascetic man.
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ascetic ideal1) The attack on the ascetic ideal is concerned with affirmation.
2) Third Treatise: What do ascetic ideals mean?
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ascetic life1) Some traditions emphasize ascetic life more than others.
2) This book addresses specific problems of spiritual theology and the ascetic life .
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ascetic lifestyle1) He later retired to Sompting where he led an ascetic lifestyle .
2) Within the unit, a frugal and ascetic lifestyle was enforced.
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ascetic practice1) Religious practices often involved extreme ascetic practices claimed to be yoga .
2) ascetic practices within the Sufi philosophy were also associated with Buddhism.
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ascetics1) Jain ascetics follow a strict vegetarian diet without root vegetables.
2) They were not villagers, nor farmers nor ascetics .
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Expressions with the word ascetic

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