Expressions - Collocations of the word " arrow "
aim arrow | 1) These arrows were aimed at the eyes and in the encounter 250 Muslims lost their eyes. 2) In front of the plinth or furnace a blindfolded cupid aims an arrow with his bow at the woman. more aim arrow sentences |
arrow | 1) See red arrow showing cut knobs pictured below. 2) The word rocket itself means firing arrow . more arrow sentences |
arrow appear | 1) But here, a kicker arrow appears in lane 3. 2) The bow and arrow appeared as the main technological advancement. more arrow appear sentences |
arrow button | 1) Select the octave by pressing arrow buttons . 2) Finally, there are two arrow buttons . more arrow button sentences |
arrow fly | 1) Those arrows always fly towards the coach . 2) About one hundred arrows flew up in the sky. more arrow fly sentences |
arrow head | 1) The oral shield is pentagonal to arrow head shaped. 2) The 112 -metre building has been shaped like arrow head pointing north. more arrow head sentences |
arrow hit | 1) The arrow hit the rope in the center. 2) The arrow still hit the bull in one lung. more arrow hit sentences |
arrow indicate | 1) Draw arrows indicating the direction of water flow. 2) The arrow indicates the amount of above the groove area. more arrow indicate sentences |
arrow key | 1) Mind you, the arrow keys themselves are kind of frustrating. 2) Use TRACE and the arrow keys to move around the graph. more arrow key sentences |
arrow land | 1) All the arrows landed in the city. 2) A flaming arrow landed in baby Richard Johnson's crib, but it was doused by his sister Betsy. more arrow land sentences |
arrow mark | 1) Fat arrows mark consecutive initial phases SFS of the cycle. 2) The position of PSR1706-44 is marked by arrows . more arrow mark sentences |
arrow miss | 1) If both arrows missed , the player would have to get two more arrows. 2) The arrow misses his mark and hits Krishna in the heel and wounds him fatally (his one vulnerable spot). more arrow miss sentences |
arrow point | 1) Traffic island with arrows pointing either side. 2) The arrow always points to the centre. more arrow point sentences |
arrow rain | 1) Suddenly arrows rained upon the horde. 2) The Virgin of Mercy depictions sometimes include arrows raining from above, with the Virgin's cloak protecting the people. more arrow rain sentences |
arrow represent | 1) The broken arrow represents output or work effort. 2) The resulting direction is represented by the yellow arrow . more arrow represent sentences |
arrow shaft | 1) Name the four principle materials for making arrow shafts . 2) His carbon elements are not straight or tubular like an arrow shaft . more arrow shaft sentences |
arrow shoot | 1) arrow shoots when you release the button. 2) arrows shoot those leaving the fort to get food. more arrow shoot sentences |
arrow shot | 1) Triple arrow shot was gloriously goofy. 2) In August 1100, William Rufus was killed by an arrow shot while hunting. more arrow shot sentences |
arrow show | 1) See red arrow showing cut knobs pictured below. 2) You got arrows showing flow of data. more arrow show sentences |
arrow slit | 1) The eastern and western sides each had 21 arrow slits . 2) Only narrow arrow slits provided light and ventilation. more arrow slit sentences |
arrow spear | 1) arrows , spears , and bows. 2) arrows , spears , and a great deal of courage were required hunting equipment. more arrow spear sentences |
arrow stick | 1) Little marks, sometimes an arrow sticking out. 2) Upon awakening, Blue keeps what is left of the arrow sticking in his arm. more arrow stick sentences |
arrow tip | 1) In this, the arrow tip is pointed at the wolf Sirius. 2) He reported that the axes and arrow tips were often found after heavy rains. more arrow tip sentences |
arrow wound | 1) A chill on top of an arrow wound . 2) He suffered an arrow wound in the battle and shortly after died from it. more arrow wound sentences |
as straight as an arrow | 1) The 109 flew as straight as an arrow , with no weaving. 2) He carried himself as straight as an arrow for all his years. more as straight as an arrow sentences |
bow arrow | 1) Heavy bows and heavy arrows are a must! 2) Sebastian uses bow and arrows as weapon. more bow arrow sentences |
broken arrow | 1) The broken arrow represents output or work effort. 2) broken Arrow's first school was built in 1904. more broken arrow sentences |
click arrow | 1) To page through screenshots just click the arrow . 2) Quote trimmed, click the up arrow for full text. more click arrow sentences |
cross arrow | 1) The crossed arrows represent nonaggression, but imply readiness against attack. 2) The most ancient heraldry has motive of crossed arrows . more cross arrow sentences |
curved arrow | 1) The curved arrow tells you to knit two rows with the main carriage. 2) Correlations are represented by curved arrows . more curved arrow sentences |
dashed arrow | 1) Dependency it is illustrated with a dashed arrow line. 2) The solid arrows show the actual transactions; the dashed arrow shows the overall effect. more dashed arrow sentences |
down arrow | 1) Press the down arrow to enter the calendar table. 2) You can click on drop down arrow for viewing more options . more down arrow sentences |
draw arrow | 1) Leave space between cards to allow for drawing arrows later. 2) After all the arrows were drawn , key issues became clear. more draw arrow sentences |
fire an arrow | 1) He personally fired an arrow that killed Li Jiancheng. 2) The other guard fires an arrow at Cyclops, striking him dead. more fire an arrow sentences |
fire arrow | 1) Now both armies began firing arrows at each other. 2) Near to hand was the hunting bow that fired those arrows . more fire arrow sentences |
flaming arrow | 1) Lyme Regis was partly razed using flaming arrows . 2) Warfare involved flaming arrows - usually dipped in tar and ignited. more flaming arrow sentences |
flash arrow | 1) Only four states are not using the flashing yellow arrows at all. 2) The flashing yellow arrows are the new federal standard for dedicated left-turn lanes . more flash arrow sentences |
hail of arrow | 1) hails of arrows showered both sides as they closed. 2) During the battle, Warbow of Heavy Mettle is apparently killed by a hail of arrows . more hail of arrow sentences |
horizontal arrow | 1) The small horizontal arrow indicates the position of the VSG promoter. 2) Either the exit direction sign or the gore sign has a horizontal arrow , IIRC. more horizontal arrow sentences |
kill arrow | 1) arrows kill buffalo, thus giving life to the tribe. 2) Simultaneously, Fred is killed by an Apache arrow . more kill arrow sentences |
launch arrow | 1) Each new generation is an arrow launched into the future. 2) As tall as its user, it could launch arrows with enough power to pierce armour. more launch arrow sentences |
left arrow | 1) The left arrow __FORMULA__ is half of the equivalence __FORMULA__. 2) To return to the previous page press Alt key + left arrow . more left arrow sentences |
place arrow | 1) Today we place just place arrows underneath the shield. 2) RÄma strings the Vaiṣṇava bow and places an arrow on it. more place arrow sentences |
point arrow | 1) Click the downward pointing arrow to the right of Scan. 2) His bow is drawn, and the arrow is pointed at the scorpion. more point arrow sentences |
poison arrow | 1) The arrow is poisoned and Ibrahim becomes seriously ill. 2) They eat plants and animals which they kill with poisoned arrows . more poison arrow sentences |
poisoned arrow | 1) They eat plants and animals which they kill with poisoned arrows . 2) Bows with poisoned arrows were also used. more poisoned arrow sentences |
press arrow | 1) press the down arrow to enter the calendar table. 2) press the right arrow next to the access point you are connected to. more press arrow sentences |
pull arrow | 1) She had to pull the arrow out. 2) His Dad pulled the arrow off the door and gave it to him. more pull arrow sentences |
release arrow | 1) Often, such archers are found on the field, releasing arrows as they run. 2) In a well-publicized turn of events, a doctor refused to release arrow from hospital until the prison promised to honour his diet. more release arrow sentences |
remove arrow | 1) He must first remove the arrow and heal the wound. 2) The temperature selection would probably be simpler if they removed the arrow at the top. more remove arrow sentences |
right arrow | 1) To move to the next screen, click the right arrow . 2) With any s-is setting press right arrow . more right arrow sentences |
shoot an arrow | 1) shoot an arrow dripping with lethal poison. 2) He could shoot an arrow up to 225 meters. more shoot an arrow sentences |
shoot arrow | 1) arrows shoot those leaving the fort to get food. 2) A week later, Megure is shown shot by an arrow while jogging. more shoot arrow sentences |
solid arrow | 1) solid arrows - feed-forward relation; dotted arrows - feed-back relation. 2) The solid arrows show the actual transactions; the dashed arrow shows the overall effect. more solid arrow sentences |
strike arrow | 1) The arrow strikes Ravan's crown and royal umbrella. 2) This time the arrow struck home. more strike arrow sentences |
up arrow | 1) The up arrow corresponds to cardinal northeast. 2) Quote trimmed, click the up arrow for full text. more up arrow sentences |
vertical arrow | 1) The vertical arrow corresponds to the value of the item difficulty. 2) The vertical arrows in this diagram are those induced by composition with f and g . more vertical arrow sentences |
volley of arrow | 1) The enemy cavalry was decimated by volleys of arrows . 2) The Persian attack began with the customary volley of arrows and projectiles. more volley of arrow sentences |
wound arrow | 1) I suspect the King was surrounded and was lightly wounded by arrows . 2) Charles I of Hungary was wounded by an arrow , but survived. more wound arrow sentences |
Expressions with the word arrow
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