
Expressions - Collocations of the word " arbitrage "

" arbitrage "Collocations - Expressions
arbitrage1) arbitrage moves different currencies toward purchasing power parity.
2) For example, lack of multiple trading venues limits arbitrage opportunities.
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arbitrage free1) Nevertheless, both arbitrage free pricing and risk neutral valuation deliver identical results.
2) Methods that lock-in future cash flows assume arbitrage free pricing , and those that infer expected value assume risk neutral valuation .
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arbitrage opportunity1) For example, lack of multiple trading venues limits arbitrage opportunities .
2) Hence, arbitrage opportunities were common, particularly underpricings.
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arbitrage profit1) The difference between the two amounts is the arbitrage profit .
2) So to avoid significant arbitrage profits , the futures and spot prices must converge.
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arbitrage transaction1) Competition in the marketplace can also create risks during arbitrage transactions .
2) Section 5.2 discusses the practicalities of arbitrage transactions .
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index arbitrage1) There are two types of programme trading - index arbitrage and portfolio insurance.
2) There has been effectively no involvement on the part of UK funds in index arbitrage .
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interest arbitrage1) Define and contrast triangular arbitrage and covered interest arbitrage . 2.
2) It also allows you to invest the additional cash flow in higher yielding investments; thereby, increasing the interest arbitrage .
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labor arbitrage1) He has opposed Global labor arbitrage .
2) labor arbitrage became increasingly popular as companies looked for competitive low cost sources of supply.
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merger arbitrage1) In the extreme case this is merger arbitrage , described below.
2) TAM, in particular, is a compelling opportunity due to the merger arbitrage situation.
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regulatory arbitrage1) This has led to inconsistent treatment, and regulatory arbitrage .
2) ABCP conduit induces regulatory arbitrage and excessive risk taking.
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statistical arbitrage1) statistical arbitrage is an imbalance in expected nominal values.
2) Like market-making strategies, statistical arbitrage can be applied in all asset classes.
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tax arbitrage1) What is the extent of tax arbitrage possible?
2) This kind of tax arbitrage means that no one gets the tax base.
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Expressions with the word arbitrage

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