
Expressions - Collocations of the word " apocalypse "

" apocalypse "Collocations - Expressions
Mayan apocalypse1) What is it with the Mayan apocalypse and electromagnetism?
2) Like the Mayan apocalypse , the predicted pummelling of Benítez never came.
more Mayan apocalypse sentences
apocalypse1) apocalypse has been entirely averted thus far .
2) We are talking zombie apocalypse , right?
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apocalypse come1) Print it in your local newspaper and announce the apocalypse is coming .
2) The tone is apocalyptic, but the apocalypse is coming whatever we do.
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come apocalypse1) You'll be in high demand come the apocalypse !
2) Both groups also share a belief in a coming apocalypse as well.
more come apocalypse sentences
environmental apocalypse1) Is this an exit vehicle for some imagined environmental apocalypse ?
2) Meet the Urban Algae Canopy - perfect for all your environmental apocalypse needs.
more environmental apocalypse sentences

four horsemen of the apocalypse1) Terry Pratchett has parodied the four horsemen of the apocalypse several times.
2) four horsemen of the apocalypse : war, famine, pestilence, death.
more four horsemen of the apocalypse sentences
impending apocalypse1) This is a clear sign of the impending apocalypse .
2) Miracles, or signs of impending apocalypse ?
more impending apocalypse sentences
nuclear apocalypse1) Feel the devastation of a nuclear apocalypse and enjoy hours of fast-paced racing unrivalled on the iOS platform !
2) And yeah , try explaining They survived the nuclear apocalypse because they all happened to be in Volvos at the time.
more nuclear apocalypse sentences
survive apocalypse1) Very few things will survive the zombie apocalypse .
2) It's not a story of surviving a zombie apocalypse .
more survive apocalypse sentences
zombie apocalypse1) We are talking zombie apocalypse , right?
2) The countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun.
more zombie apocalypse sentences

Expressions with the word apocalypse

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