
agitate Collocations
agitate1) Others become agitated and may seem very demanding.
2) The movements beneath the robes became more agitated .
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agitate against1) The left wing of the Republican Party began agitating against Taft.
1) I agitate against feminist bullshit. as a means of asserting my value.
2) In India, Mahatma Gandhi was agitating against the English government school.
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agitate for1) Potts agitated for a more focused and aggressive role.
2) Countries agitated for reparations that Japan was too poor to pay.
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agitate mind1) But for the agitated mind there is no Self knowledge.
2) These questions are agitating the minds of every evacuee.
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agitate people1) He left the city after agitating people with his views on race.
2) In the meantime , we need to educate and agitate people about the economics of opportunity costs .
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agitate state1) During the interview he was in an agitated state .
2) In the agitated state , the bat is ready to swap items.
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agitate to1) The resulting three phase mixture is agitated to promote mixing.
2) His family are agitating to get him home.
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agitate water1) This means the water is often agitated .
2) She agitated the water and dispersed the traces.
more agitate water sentences
agitated1) Others become agitated and may seem very demanding.
2) The movements beneath the robes became more agitated .
more agitated sentences
agitated depression1) Dysphoric mania is primarily manic and agitated depression is primarily depressed.
2) But, the relief from this agitated depression is only temporary.
more agitated depression sentences
extremely agitated1) The doctor makes house calls when Mrs. Burroughs is extremely agitated .
2) Day 8 - feeling extremely agitated and aggressive for absolutely no reason.
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increasingly agitated1) She also just had issues becoming increasingly agitated .
2) Coal miners increasingly agitated for improved wages and working conditions after 1900.
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so agitated1) She had never seen him so agitated .
2) I feel so agitated and empty right now!
more so agitated sentences
very agitated1) I remember his children becoming very agitated .
2) The way he spoke was very agitated .
more very agitated sentences

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