
aflame Collocations
aflame1) A Catherine wheel is set aflame & rolled down the hill.
2) They were rolled in carpet and set aflame .
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aflame with1) Is the beautiful lady's body aflame with passion?
2) Pulpits can again become aflame with righteousness and fervor.
2) The twigs of the burning bush are still aflame with the fire of God.
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cheeks aflame1) Now! she cried, confronting him with glittering eyes and cheeks aflame - now I want what I am not likely to get-to be left mistress of myself and my fortune.
more cheeks aflame sentences
face aflame1) Sandra had replied, her face aflame .
2) They will look aghast at each other, their faces aflame .
more face aflame sentences
set aflame1) A Catherine wheel is set aflame & rolled down the hill.
2) They were rolled in carpet and set aflame .
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