
aficionado Collocations
aficionado1) These are questions every soccer aficionado has asked.
2) aficionados of functional programming avoid destructive functions.
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aficionado of1) aficionados of functional programming avoid destructive functions.
1) He became the favorite of aficionados of Jewish theatre.
2) aficionados of Winchester® shotguns know well the Model 101.
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art aficionado1) Remembering Neville Wran - arts aficionado or Balmain bruiser?
2) Baudrillard was no art aficionado , but he was no stranger to art either.
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ballet aficionado1) Mere mention of the title will cause ballet aficionados ' eyes to light up and wonder who is performing?
1) As a ballet aficionado since early childhood, Christine got her wish to dance at the Royal ballet School.
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jazz aficionado1) He was an avid art student and a jazz aficionado .
2) Welles was a true jazz aficionado .
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many aficionado1) However, many aficionados and most professionals employ the bridge whenever the intended shot so requires.
2) many aficionados believe the French press produces a far richer coffee flavor than the traditional drip method.
2) Belgian beer is considered by many craft beer aficionados to be among the best in the world.
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music aficionado1) Classical music aficionados can attend performances in a number of concert halls.
2) Classical music aficionados hold the progressive Springfield Symphony Orchestra in high esteem.
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