
Expressions - Collocations of the word " AUX "

" AUX "Collocations - Expressions
aux in1) This seems like penny-pinching madness by Ford given the fact the radio has an Auxiliary Input (aux In) button fitted.

2) The 'Line In' (also known as 'aux In') can be used if the boombox has one.

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aux out1) There are also two aux out sockets to attach further speakers if you so wished.

2) Up until the AWE line in 1994, Creative cards have short text inscriptions on the backplane of the card, indicating which port does what (i.e. Mic, Spk, aux In, aux Out).

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AUX1) An audio AUX jack became standard equipment.

2) So, everyone's AUX benefits would be reduced.

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Expressions with the word AUX

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