English words and Examples of Usage
use "commendable" in a sentence
This immediate rush to defend coal at every turn is commendable, perhaps.
Question of judgment There is no doubt this work is all highly commendable.
and also explained how The level design and character animation are also commendable.
The Holy Mother considered him to be as commendable as 'the elephant's tusk covered with gold'.
M and others did a commendable research on the mother goddess worship and narratives.2.74
His come
back came in the King's Cup in December 2006 in Thailand when he put on commendable performances.
For Adams, Machiavelli restored empirical reason to politics, while his analysis of factions was commendable.
The decision
by Penguin to commission the volume in Welsh was unexpected and highly commendable, wrote Davies.
There are a few in-house projects going too, viz on signal processing, robotics, PLCs etc. which are commendable.
reviewer wraps up his review by commenting that the effort that went behind making Kirtichakra is commendable.
The work being done by Hands For Hunger is commendable.
We commend Jenkins, in office less than a year,
for the commendable attention to detail from him and his staff.
17 more results not shown.
compensatory -
compensatory -
bona fide -
anthropologist -
affirmation -
Example sentences with the commendable, a sentence example for commendable, and
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