English words and Examples of Usage
use "collide" in a sentence
The isms often collide, driving each other in popularity, Sokolowski said.
But this is an election year, when moral and political imperatives collide.
The black holes in Mrk 231 will collide in a few hundred thousand years, said NASA.
FEB. 16, 1996 - An Amtrak train and a commuter train collide in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Theories collide British scientist Stephen Hawking has proposed a new solution to a paradox.
They used
their Large Hadron Collider to let protons, well, collide at nearly the speed of light.
Hernandez was not trying to collide his car into the officer's, he wasn't shooting at the officer.
Related: Pope, GOP collide on cl
imate change Heartland also took its campaign to the pope's doorstep.
He showed up after Spider-Man made Freak collide with Vulture IV.
The book describes what happens when the values and beliefs of one generation collide
with those of another generation.
In San Francisco, amongst the chaos and damage, three people's worlds collide.
The views of the two politicians collide violently.
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