
English words and Examples of Usage

use "coincidence" in a sentence

Only coincidence, then, that it was his right ankle Costa trod on?

I'm sure its just a coincidence that Pope Francis comes from Flores.

In a bizarre coincidence, both movies even climax in identical ways.

Speaking at Lake Area Technical Institute isn't merely a coincidence.

It's 2015 and in a coincidence, it's Black History Month, Busey said.

It's not a coincidence that it's called marketing instead of advertising.


timing of this letter - the day before the ballot opens - is no coincidence.

It can't be a coincidence that all of a sudden there are so many ill dogs, Owen said.

It’s no coincidence that the nickname Megatron refers to

the “Transformers” franchise.

When one audience member asked whether it was coincidence or design that the hero (Mr.

God always has a plan, the Ivory Coast official said on the coincidence of the lineup.


Flag Rob 15 hours ago I never believe in coincidence where Apple is concerned.

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Example sentences with the coincidence, a sentence example for coincidence, and how to make coincidence in sample sentence, how do I use the word coincidencein a sentence? How do you spell coincidence in a sentence? spelling of coincidencew

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