English words and Examples of Usage
use "cognitive" in a sentence
This causes a breakdown of cognitive and psychological performance.
But quite the opposite happens with the intellectual and cognitive side.
And sleep seems to affect cognitive enhancement and emotional regulation.
Earlier studies have shown people have improved cognitive function using it.
Colvin argues that improving your cognitive skills is no longer good enough.
(Since the Industrial Revolution) humans have focused more o
n performing cognitive tasks.
Humans like to classify things, we often do this subconsciously, to save cognitive effort.
Rometty also said that she wanted analysts to try out Watson to experience cognitive computing.
br>AVOID IT: If it's not too much cognitive dissonance, your smartphone can help you enjoy nature.
Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance infest the information you expose yourself to.
Removing this cognitive stress m
akes your request seem much more reasonable and painless to grant.
Celeste Kidd, a professor of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester, says yes.
320 more results not shown.
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Example sentences with the cognitive, a sentence example for cognitive, and
to make cognitive in sample sentence,
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