English words and Examples of Usage
use "cognate" in a sentence
Albanian has many loans cognate with Romanian (e.
Tagalog-Pangasinan cognate words with identical and different meanings.
The English word nail is cognate with the Greek word.
By comparison, ASL and BANZSL have only 31% signs identical, or 44% cognate.
Nilam and vilakku have exactly the same meaning in the older cognate Tamil language.
German cognate nun, meaning now in the sense of at the moment under discussion).<
When considering similar or related signs as well as identical, they are 98% cognate.
And French librairie is the cognate of library but refers to a bookshop.
D. Medieval Literature (cognate: Higher
Education Policy) - University of Denver (1987) *M.
The English Dutch, the Dutch dietsch, and the German deutsch are cognate words.29.4064
Derived from Sanskrit Bappa or Vapra, Monier Williams' Sanskrit-English Dictionar
y it is cognate to Bawa.
Here Vilma encountered John Farrells grandson Arthur, who challenged the Cognate by single-handedly killing Morse.
28 more results not shown.
appellation -
appellation -
affidavit -
canto -
affable -
Example sentences with the cognate, a sentence example for cognate, and
to make cognate in sample sentence,
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sentence? spelling of cognatew
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