English words and Examples of Usage
use "coalesce" in a sentence
So I think most of the Hadoop market is going to coalesce with the data warehouse market.
Ad hoc opposition groups tend to coalesce around specific issues.
I remember pushing coalesce into this as they werent really into it.
In older, dried specimens (such as herbarium material), the droplets may coalesce and hinder the identification of species.
As a respectable upper-class politician, he supplied a center around which opposition to
the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz could coalesce.
Uenuku was out hunting very early one morning when, in a clearing, he saw a beautiful girl who seemed to coalesce out of the morning mist.
No one could have foreseen, of
course, that it would all coalesce in such a stunningly symbolic fashion.
I think that group will coalesce around a fair, level playing field.
At a critical temperature, atoms begin to coalesce, overlap and move in synch
But cross-party descriptions skew more negative and coalesce around certain traits.
But this collection began to coalesce, these songs seemed to belong together more than any of the others.
In addition, the Tea P
arty was unable to recruit or coalesce around challengers who could have won their primaries.
11 more results not shown.
bate -
bate -
affliction -
ambivalence -
candor -
Example sentences with the coalesce, a sentence example for coalesce, and
to make coalesce in sample sentence,
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