English words and Examples of Usage
use "coagulation" in a sentence
Grade 3 bleeding lasted for 1 year despite frequent transfusions and coagulation.
Calcium ions are essential for binding of these coagulation factors.
The molecular basis of blood coagulation.
The released ions neutralize the charges of the particles and thereby initiate coagulation.
As a medical sign The presence of bruises may be seen in patients with platelet or coagulation disorders.
Warfarin and related drugs inhibit
vitamin K -dependent carboxylation of several coagulation factors, including prothrombin.
Also lead to osteomalacia and osteoporosis * Bleeding tendencies from vitamin K and other coagulation factor deficiencies.37.634
oward a physical map of the Xq28 region in man: linking color vision, G6PD, and coagulation factor VIII genes to an X-Y homology region.
Alprolix is a bioengineered version of the blood coagulation protein known as factor IX, wh
ich is needed for normal blood clotting.
The mechanism of coagulation has been the subject of continual review.
For coagulation, the average power is typically reduced below the threshold of cutting.
Coagulation Co
agulation is one of the most important physio-chemical reactions used in water treatment.
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