English words and Examples of Usage
use "clientele" in a sentence
But now that the clientele is getting older, the opposite is true.
The nearby airport is key, Marr says, to attract international clientele.
TT: Among Taiwans 13.5 million motorcyclists, what is your target clientele?
Many clubs and restaurants have clientele that are almost exclusively tourists.
The Beverly Hills Hotel, built in 1912, is as glamorous as its A-list clientele.
Patreon launched in 2013 as a crowdfunding company
focused on an artistic clientele.
In doing so, they give their clients the best opportunity to be found by their local clientele.
We're really lucky here at the Hotel Arts - we have a really consistent and loyal clientele
Our director is working on marketing our programs in different countries in order to attract a more diverse student clientele.
Modular Training Programs were offered to personnel and external clientele.
The org
anization has become fossilized in its ways, and is no longer able to respond to the needs of a modern clientele.
Advertising on the Internet has allowed us to attract an international clientele, and business has expanded dramat
ically as a result.
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belie -
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Example sentences with the clientele, a sentence example for clientele, and
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