English words and Examples of Usage
use "cliche" in a sentence
But Facebook helped set the cliche-and it takes the idea so much further than most.
When it came to meeting one of her heroes, Mara had an experience that disproves the cliche.
It's sort of cliche to talk about 'ping pong diplomacy', but they picked up on that immediately.
Richard Schickel of TIME found the film boring and cliche-ridden.
This subpar effort sinks to the bottom of the ocean in a tidal wave of cliche.
The Cliche
Expert Testifies as a Roosevelt Hater.
(Chamomiles are Russian cliche folk flowers) How romantic, mademoiselle!
Classic Cliche took over the lead in the straight as Eddery moved Celeric up to challenge.
As an adjective, it is generally disparaging a motley collection is an uninspiring pile of stuff, as in the cliche motley cru.47.1725
I know that's a bit of a cliche, but it's true.
Hide Caption 13 of 13 Koh Samui, Thaila
nd (CNN)A trip to a local food market is almost a travel cliche.
Hate to sound cliche, but Biden isn't qualified to sell girl scout cookies.
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Example sentences with the cliche, a sentence example for cliche, and
to make cliche in sample sentence,
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