English words and Examples of Usage
use "clamor" in a sentence
It is full on for Ladies' Day, milliner Ilda Di Vico told CNN from amid the clamor of the racecourse.
People clamor and tend to cross the railway line even when the gate is closed.27.1614
These days, it is hard to ignore a rising conservative clamor to rehabilitate the criminal-justice system.
Executives have pushed for them, IT departments have accommodated them, and users continue to clamor for them.
ECONOMIC WOES Keita faces a deli
cate task as Malians clamor for better living standards.
The clamor for another movie might not be as loud as it once was, but rest assured, it's still there.
Whats not at issue is the clamor of the masses and the thirst
to deconstruct strength of schedule and invoke the transitive property.
I was impressed by the degree of anger, by the overwhelming dissatisfaction with the way things are now, by the unanimity of the clamor for change.
Once more, the clamor arose within him-voices pleading and shouting.
At the request of its leader, the crowd stilled its clamor for a few minutes.
As a result, there was a clamor for the building of a main road running
west from Utica.
Ahmad wrote his beliefs on a piece of paper and had it read aloud, but due to the clamor among the people it could not be heard.
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to make clamor in sample sentence,
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