English words and Examples of Usage
use "choir" in a sentence
Most of the records fall into the country, gospel, or choir genres.
Sophie and her supporters were preaching to the choir with Francis.
” For Masa, a 38-year-old native of Japan, the choir was an accident.
The memorial began with the school's choir performing Sing Me to Heaven.
Give more to teachers and have more classes You're preaching to the choir.
She is involved with the school choir and is employed as a TUHS student w
He plays on the baseball, football, and basketball teams and sings in the choir.
The family credits Sheldon choir director Nancy Anderson with their son's success.
When I explain these things to her, it's li
ke preaching either to the choir or the dead.
A mother of four daughters, she was also a minister and sang in the choir at Emanuel AME.
He sang tenor in the “Thirty-niners Choir” and delivered Meals on Wheels to area shut
But for this performance, there's an entire orchestra and choir to perform his composition.
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Example sentences with the choir, a sentence example for choir, and
to make choir in sample sentence,
how do I use the word choirin a sentence? How do you spell choir in a
sentence? spelling of choirw
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