English words and Examples of Usage
use "chimera" in a sentence
That's what the fans play money to see, left wing Jason Chimera said.
The undead chimera appears in the module Saga of the Shadow Lord (1986).
A room of the Romanian National Art Museum is devoted largely to his Chimera sculptures.
Przesmycki published the art magazine Chimera (1901-1908) featuring the works of Norwid.
Dongbaists worship nature, personified by human-snake-chimera creatures called Shv or Shu.
The Chimera also ha
s a single Anti-Hull Laser which can be fired in the rear view to damage chasing enemies.
Robin quickly senses the presence of the chimera and the three are subsequently attacked by the enormous beast.
An evil corporation
secretly controls this world and produces powerful monster (sometimes human) creations called chimera.
Pixie goes and fetches the Stepford Cuckoos and Elixir and Chimera attacks the Cuckoo's who respond by savagely beating her.
One such gene fusion that has been identified in a MCF-7 breast cancer cell line is a chimera between the RAD51C and ATXN7 genes.
DS9: Chimera Korat - System where families aboard Deep Space Nine were relocated in
2370 when a revolution on Bajor seemed likely.
In the ransom note, Chimera hackers say that if theyre not paid theyll publish the users files on the Internet.
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calamitous -
calamitous -
acrimonious -
accentuate -
berate -
Example sentences with the chimera, a sentence example for chimera, and
to make chimera in sample sentence,
how do I use the word chimerain a sentence? How do you spell chimera in a
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