English words and Examples of Usage
use "chaff" in a sentence
7. The RVs and chaff re-enter the atmosphere at high speeds and are armed in flight.
Chaff is also used to confuse AAW operations by creating radar decoys.
These bracts as a group are often called chaff .
Being heated with rubbing it attracts straws and chaff.12.3576
People also feed them about 70 tonnes of wheat, chaff, brown rice, soybeans and so on.
Radar chaff is actually a spool of continuous glass tow that has been
aluminum coated.
Also chaff (silkko) and sawdust is known to have been used on making ersatz bread in Finland.
The unmanned aircraft flew over Baghdad spooling out clouds of chaff until they too ran out of fuel and crash
Beam weapons are not limited to one ship killed per shot, and so a powerful beamer can be used as a chaff shredder.
His early performances were in the mould of Thomas D. Rice ; he did song-and-dance versions of
Gumbo Chaff and Oh Pshaw!
They can also occur after threshing due to poor separation of grain from the chaff during cleaning or winnowing.13.0983
World War II ECM expanded to include dropping chaff (originally calle
d Window), jamming and spoofing radar and navigation signals.
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