English words and Examples of Usage
use "celibate" in a sentence
This removed the restriction on gay men - but only if they had been celibate for 12 months.
He, of course, had been a celibate priest himself for many years, and a psychotherapist for priests.
If his wife dies, he may not remarry and must remain celibate.
She became one of his followers, deciding to wear clothes made of Khadi and remain celibate for life.
He worked on The Celibate Rifles ' vocalist Damien Lovelock 's debut solo album
, Wig Wig Wig Wig World in 1988.
Bishop Daly said that 'there is certainly an important and enduring place for celibate priesthood.8.3678
While Jahanara could have no children, never having married she was considered soci
ally mature because of her celibate status.
Some of his followers today follow celibate monkhood (kevaliya bhakat) in the Vaishnavite monasteries - the sattras.54.3752
Possible choices include identifying as gay socially
while choosing to be celibate or while anticipating a first homosexual experience.
And an unmarried man having sex with anyone is not celibate, continent or chaste.
Monks, mostly belonging to the celibate Jogye order, thr
eatened to kill themselves.
However, he did succeed in allying himself with the celibate faction of the sangha.
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