English words and Examples of Usage
use "cede" in a sentence
On the one hand, they don't want to just cede this space to Netanyahu.
When Hepburn herself wanted to cook, it became a tricky task to get Giovanna to cede the way.
Zimbabwe's indigenisation law compels foreign companies to cede majority shares to local partners.
The Vlach voivode would, in return, seize Vidin and cede it to Ivan Alexander.
However, as Finland was not willing to cede the islands, they were offered an autonomous stat
Therefore, sequentially neighboring municipalities annexed or she had to cede territory to Rotterdam.
In exchange for French military assistance, Piedmont was to cede Nice and Savoy to France.4.3833
Chu suffere
d many defeats in battles against Qin and was forced to cede territories to Qin.5.0888
He achieved a solid diplomatic coup by inducing the Vandal king Gaiseric to cede to him Sicily.23.3745
In February 1739, Chanda Sahib
forced Shahuji to cede Karaikal to the French and in April, the Raja confirmed the Grant.
In 1528, Salcedo arrested Pedarias and forced him to cede part of his Honduran domain, but Emperor rejected the agreement.
The Arme
nians were obligated to cede many fortresses to the Mamluks and were prohibited to rebuild their defensive fortifications.
40 more results not shown.
catapult -
catapult -
amity -
apocryphal -
bemused -
Example sentences with the cede, a sentence example for cede, and
to make cede in sample sentence,
how do I use the word cedein a sentence? How do you spell cede in a
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