English words and Examples of Usage
use "cauldron" in a sentence
“That lighting of the cauldron really symbolizes all of that,” he said.
On chilly days there's a potjie, a cast iron cauldron brimming with stew.
The colourful cauldron that looks similar to a pinecone has been revealed.
“It was a true witches’ cauldron,” one foreign official who spent years in Angola told me.
Sounds resembling a cauldron with boiling water were heard from deep underground.
He is leading a Roman patrol when he
is hit by a flying cauldron.
The Cauldron-Born prove too powerful, however, and both men are wounded and captured.
The girls, rather naively, sliced and diced their father and put him in the cauldron.
Chaudière is
a French word meaning boiler and an archaic French word for cauldron or kettle.
She defies him, and so he smacks her face into the burning cauldron which she is working by.
The Cauldron-Born warriors stride forward, knock
ing Math's sword aside and striking him down.
Marlow Foods manufactures and sells products under the Quorn and Cauldron brands.18.7708
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Example sentences with the cauldron, a sentence example for cauldron, and
to make cauldron in sample sentence,
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