English words and Examples of Usage
use "catatonic" in a sentence
Other days, I'm angry, depressed and catatonic, wishing I could talk to her just one more time.
The pair became catatonic and entirely withdrawn when parted.
Mark confesses he had a hard childhood because of his catatonic younger brother.
He and Lydia tend to her, but determine she must get to the hospital in her catatonic state.
Half-catatonic, she eventually once again finds herself amongst the trees of Garroting Deep.
with the loss of his best friend and literary alter-ego, became nearly catatonic.7.5449
Schnauzkrampf A schnauzkrampf is a grimace resembling pouting sometimes observed in catatonic patients.
Though Emily survives, the t
rauma sets her to be in catatonic state (always blank and unable to talk).17.3802
The alien navigator is the exception, and acting as a reserve is placed in a tomb in a catatonic state.13.1802
Jo falls into a catatonic st
ate from which the Doctor revives her, but she is unable to remember where she met the Master.
Schaffner 1991, p. 269 Gilmour later said: Both Nick and Rick were catatonic in terms of their playing ability at the beginning.
Alumni Catatonic State 5pts Would they be filling out a questionnaire online?
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Example sentences with the catatonic, a sentence example for catatonic, and
to make catatonic in sample sentence,
how do I use the word catatonicin a sentence? How do you spell catatonic in a
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