English words and Examples of Usage
use "cant" in a sentence
Not even minerals which is why you cant just dink distilled water only.
The fact the UK Govt cant make their laws and steal their money doesn't make them a tax haven.
You know somebody did this, and you cant get past that until you know who and why they did it.
I can't go in there smelling, and I cant go in there dirty, he said, pointing to the Capitol.
I cant change my colour, but I can change what I think up here, Wirch said, po
inting to her head.
His Dad is out of his mind he cant believe what he sees.
In DB2 before triggers are read only - you cant modify data in before triggers.
The refrain from a song called Não sabe nadar, yo (
Cant swim, yo!
In March, she was attacked and damaged by 15 JU 87 and Italian Cant 1007 aircraft.
Mingus couldn't play was nervous, and Tizol said that he knew that niggas cant read.
They are planning on to giv
e Prem to her because they cant do anything about it.
Graders can produce inclined surfaces, to give cant (camber) to roads.
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barring -
bleak -
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adversity -
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to make cant in sample sentence,
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