English words and Examples of Usage
use "candor" in a sentence
She honored me with her candor and I've been subsequently educated.
Others, however, urged him to run, saying his candor is a breath of fresh air.
To test their idea, Kids' Candor ran a test by sending prototypes to several families.
To encourage candor from witnesses, the information gained as a result of these investigations is confidential.
RD Rosen (1975) pointed to the tyranny of 'psychological patter' in his article 'Psychobab
ble: The New Jargon of Candor.98.418
Fr. Leos published writings and books of reflections for priests were revolutionary in their time for their candor and sincerity.
More than anyone, I learned about the business, our s
ystems, team development and the importance of candor from him.
When asked how it felt to miss the matchup against San Jose, Ovechkin responded with his usual candor: It was suck.
Armstrongs blog was funny, with a ca
refully curated appearance of candor about herself and her child-rearing practices.
Last summer, they rewarded her candor with a demotion and ostracism.
We are able to bounce ideas and strategies off each other with compl
ete candor.
Lillian tells Virginia, in their moment of candor, that Bill is in love with her.
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Example sentences with the candor, a sentence example for candor, and
to make candor in sample sentence,
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