English words and Examples of Usage
use "callus" in a sentence
Puig has been held out of the starting lineup for the past four games with a callus in his left palm.
The cervical callus is present but not extremely strong.
The callus consists of two lamina at the apex of the column, followed by three broad keels.10.1014
The callus is often smooth and glossy, but can also be decorated with raised ribs or wrinkles.9.9064
Callus induction medium consists of agar and a mixture of macronutrients and mi
cronutrients for the given cell type.
The columella is extremely short, somewhat reflected and connected posteriorly with the very strong parietal callus.
Endogenous hormone levels in habituated nucellar Citrus callus dur
ing the initial stages of regeneration.28.7026
Berlin The tetralobate lip is adnate to the column to its end, lacks any fringe whatsoever, and has a white callus.29.4319
Postvisit, stock up on Diamancel files ($30 to $49)
, the most effective callus scrapers on the market.
Frequent pen use can also develop a light callus on the middle finger, where the pen is in constant contact and friction with the skin.
Podiatry defines a callus as a sk
in lesion, and if it becomes cracked or internally separates, infection can follow, often with no warning signs.
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