English words and Examples of Usage
use "brag" in a sentence
So I wanted to see if these people had created Brag just for themselves.
The smugglers are so brazenly confident, they brag about their reputations.
Or what about the schools that brag that 100% of their kids are proficient?
The point of this post wasn't to brag or say it's easy moving to a new city.
Xbox employees talk about Loftis the way soldiers brag about a takes-no-shit commander.
And you can brag to your friends that you
own the WWE along with Vince and Linda McMahon.
'You don't try to brag too much when you're still in up to your neck in machine-gun fire.
So go on, IU and Purdue students and alum alike, brag about your bar's promine
nce on this list.
You get peeved every time they brag about what dad let them get away with over the weekend.
Find someone who is wearing or who has worn braces. brag
Your mother loves to brag to all the other secr
etaries that her daughter is a doctor.
You shouldn't brag in front of your teammates after you score a goal, it'll only make them resent you.
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