English words and Examples of Usage
use "bolster" in a sentence
Kim Jong Un's purges are seen as efforts to bolster his grip on power.
A discovery in the Chukchi could bolster reserves through the next decade.
Like Israel, Saudi Arabia fears the deal will bolster Iran's allies.
Trump even used Carson's numbers to bolster his anti-establishment argument.
Russia launched an air campaign to bolster Mr Assad's government in September.
China has built artificial islands in the area to bolster it
s sovereignty claim.
Under Foran, Wal-Mart is seeking to bolster its position as the low-price leader.
Taser expert testifies The Crown called on Baltzer on Wednesday to bolster its case.
In this case, his stem cel
ls would be used to bolster the cells in her immune system.
More recently, a rash of police killing black men has served only to bolster distrust.
Last week Buhari also visited Cameroon in a bid to bolster support for the
regional force.
More than a Currency Across the Continent, the euro crisis has helped to bolster populists.
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