English words and Examples of Usage
use "bilateral" in a sentence
Nigeria was also in the top five receivers of bilateral aid for 2013.
Sharif said the visit will open a new chapter in bilateral relations.
I don't think we're going to see a major setback of bilateral relations.
Wen talked about enhancing bilateral cooperation and Okada was upbeat, too.
They engage regularly and robustly in bilateral and multilateral formats.
But it would be a key topic in bilateral meetings on the sidelines
, officials said.
Furthermore, many bilateral relationships between regional countries are under strain.
He, instead suggested that the two countries discuss the issue through bilateral talks.
It is the single majo
r consideration shaping all bilateral relationships in the region.
Thats the advice of a bilateral task force convened by the German Marshall Fund.
He said he is certain that the two countries can take bilateral relation
s to a new height.
On Monday, the president will participate in a bilateral program with Ethiopian officials.
209 more results not shown.
acquire -
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