English words and Examples of Usage
use "benediction" in a sentence
“I needed this benediction with my name and this body,” Triana de la Pena, 32, recalled.
Duryodhana was ashamed, but being a kshatriya, he asked Arjuna what benediction or boon he would like.
The surplice belongs to the vestes sacrae (sacred vestments), though it requires no benediction before it is worn.
Pastor Genius Wells led the benediction, which was followed by the prayer warriors' walk throughout the facilities, singing and praying.
If I had you today, I’d kiss and fondle you into my arms and hold you there until you said, ‘Warren, oh, Warren,’ in a benediction of blissful joy.
Images of King Harald's benediction may be viewed here.
EWTN airs s
everal benediction services from that monastery.
The Benediction Gallery (Sala da Benção) borders at the upper level of the basilica.
The baba was not one to refuse the request of a petitioner and made a benediction over
the boy.
Ten appropriate verses from the Bible are recited at each repetition, which ends with a benediction.
Biblical sources Benediction No. i.: Blessed be Thou, our God and the God of our fathers, the God of Abraha
m, Isaac, and Jacob recalls Ex. iii.
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Example sentences with the benediction, a sentence example for benediction, and
to make benediction in sample sentence,
how do I use the word benedictionin a sentence? How do you spell benediction in a
sentence? spelling of benedictionw
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