English words and Examples of Usage
use "beget" in a sentence
When Delusions Beget Violence, Center Right, Issue 29, September 21, 1998.
Mansel, 194 Berry was the only member of the family thought to be able to beget children.
In fairy tales, Yuxa is described as a beautiful damsel who would marry men in order to beget offspring.
Anjana, along with her husband Kesari, performed intense prayers to Lord Shiva to beget Him as her Child.
This is now frequently used by the current Lama of the monaste
ry to hit women on the head, as a blessing to beget children.
On my Christian conscience, this one christening will beget a thousand; here will be father, godfather, and all together.13.4495
Emails beget responses, which
beget replies.
It is the ideas of white supremacy that beget racism and bigotry.
It is not befitting for the Most Gracious to beget a son.
They beget seven sons and daughters who end up marrying each other.
Haemophilia is carried in the female line, except in the rare case where a male sufferer lives long enough to beget children.
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buoyant -
barring -
bleak -
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