English words and Examples of Usage
use "bawdy" in a sentence
He was known for bawdy sexual humor and political invective.
As is custom among the ten storytellers, Dioneo tells the last and most bawdy tale of the day.
He arrives unannounced, and Anne is horrified when she learnsthe obese and bawdy messenger is really her betrothed.
These were very lively occasions with singing of folksongs and bawdy ditties such as 'Professor John Glaister' and many others.
For his friends, the appeal of th
e burlesque show was the scantily-clad women, but Allen was more interested in the bawdy humor.
Dixie De La Tour, founder, Bawdy Storytelling I'm pretty thrilled with the whole Fifty Shades thing.
Most wenching songs are
upbeat and quick and many are bawdy.
Smart's Bawdy Politic: Masculinity and the Second Age of Horn in Jubilate Agno.
All of the signs that he reports receiving from Aurelia are of an absurd and bawdy nature.
wift needed to be at some distance from the sometimes bawdy and scatological work that he wrote.
They would perform short, humorous and bawdy acts and pass a hat or bag among the audience for tips.
He replaced the bawdy w
omen of burlesque with his respectable corps of dancing, singing Gaiety Girls to complete the musical and visual fun.
catatonic -
catatonic -
commensurate -
annuity -
canker -
Example sentences with the bawdy, a sentence example for bawdy, and
to make bawdy in sample sentence,
how do I use the word bawdyin a sentence? How do you spell bawdy in a
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