English words and Examples of Usage
use "bask" in a sentence
Do you self-soothe, communicate productively, and bask in good feelings?
Other than another chance of showers on Sunday, Winnipeg will bask in sun and warmth.
Apply, weigh, accept, rest, bask, glory, run at whatever pace the day demands, but never stop moving.
For the first few years, only customers in Edmonton were able to bask in the fire log's digital glow.
BASK did not get the standing required for the finals.23.3738
You ba
sk in the glory as the audience chants your band's name.
And even though it was far from an easy path to victory, Patriots fans can bask in the glory of the win.
Duhamel didn't take very much time to bask in her victory.<
Two Green Sea Turtles bask on the black sands of Hawaii's Big Island.
But Los Angeles deserves a summer to bask in its remarkable achievements.
In winter, visitors bask on a tropical beach beneath the snow-covered
Its intimate, funny, and a great time to bask in an art form that is rarely gets the spotlight it deserves.
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Example sentences with the bask, a sentence example for bask, and
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