English words and Examples of Usage
use "barring" in a sentence
And, sadly, the threshold barring my disappointment is getting lower.
He also doesnt like barring coaches from calling live-ball timeouts.
Barring an unforeseen event, SwissCube's demise has been programmed for 2018.
Barring a surprise FBI finding on email-gate, she'll be the Democratic nominee.
They sought an injunction barring the alleged interceptions, as well as damages.
Barring prominent opponents like María Corina Machad
o from running for Congress - check.
Barring that, she suggested, there's always the donation bin at your local thrift store.
The B.C. government later revoked its support, barring the school from enrolling students.
br>Barring the right deal, Toronto says he is due to report back to the MLS club next Saturday.
The female is darker on her lower back with narrow light buff barring.
We should be able to complete the report by Monday, ba
rring any unanticipated problems.
Their wing coverts are lighter than the remiges and covered in fine dark barring.
103 more results not shown.
bicameral -
bicameral -
biting -
attenuate -
barrage -
Example sentences with the barring, a sentence example for barring, and
to make barring in sample sentence,
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