English words and Examples of Usage
use "banal" in a sentence
It is less a thirst for revenge than it is a rebellion against this banal evil.
Many of the recipes are riffs on the banal eats she (and many of us) had growing up.
To chant together, to hum banal tunes together, isnot collectivity.46.9053
Such lines, however - and there are a few-as:- :The South Wind comes a-whispering, a-whispering from the sea, are banal.
He adds, The colors are a living, integral part of the picture and a
re never passively flat, or banal like an afterthought.
Online magazine Drowned in Sound ridiculed the track, writing that it is polluting the airwaves with its beyond-banal lyrics.
Kelly admitted that he preferred R &
B music which deals with sex, love, and joy without becoming either banal or smug.
Naomi Klein's argument sounds almost banal.
The inevitable result is the proliferation of banal architecture that currently blights
cities all over the world.
Bedford's photographs, at once banal and surreal, capture a pious and devout way of life that will soon be dissolved.
'It's great to use technology so that people suddenly get really excited abo
ut something banal such as highways.'
Happily, the show is peppered with quick snippets of notes that relate in some random way to the banal plot at hand.
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