English words and Examples of Usage
use "aversion" in a sentence
And yes, I understand the aversion to government regulation of anything.
Finally, a portion of the drop in interest rates reflects risk aversion, or a flight to quality.
One such cognitive bias is called risk aversion, which brings out a strange quirk in human behaviour.
She felt an aversion to him.
Risk aversion in the small and in the large.
Bernoulli's utility function : has relative risk aversion equal to unity.
br>A new study shows that prolonged exposure to television violence erodes children's natural aversion to violence.
People of any sexual orientation can experience such feelings of aversion.
However, loss aversion may be
more salient when people compete.
Thus, democracies send credible signals to other states of an aversion to using force.
When Mannerheim lit up, all in attendance gasped, for Hitler's aversion to smoking was well known.25
Loss aversion and the sunk cost fallacy Many people have strong misgivings about wasting resources (loss aversion).
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