English words and Examples of Usage
use "averse" in a sentence
Blair is not averse to naming and shaming when he hears a phone go off.
And perhaps that will bleed over into a more risk-averse mentality that leads to lower prices.
By contrast, people who are slightly stoned may be more risk-averse and overestimate their impairment.
The initiative's price tag has yet to be revealed, and it faces a spending-averse Republican Congress.
Rahul has a mobile and Nithya is averse to mobile phones.
>Averse to using actual weapons, Goofy fights with a shield.
Harris and Faye were not averse to appearing on radio outside their comic personae.32.3427
He had been all shot up in the last war, and he seemed not the lea
st averse to getting shot up again.23.9642
Iqbal consistently criticised feudal classes in Punjab as well as Muslim politicians averse to the League.1.197
She is also averse to unnecessary bloodshed, as made apparent when
she protects Chevalier from Alv onboard the Deucalion.
For a given expected rate of return, more risk averse individuals will choose a greater share for money in their portfolio.
Unless you're averse to gearchanging, thi
s unpretentious Maestro turbo-diesel, at its competitive price, can't seriously be faulted.
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coalesce -
coalesce -
circumspect -
ambiguity -
ambulatory -
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to make averse in sample sentence,
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