English words and Examples of Usage
use "automaton" in a sentence
However, we used the word automaton in inverted commas for a reason.
Does a rock implement every ?nite-state automaton?43.8167
We can demonstrate it by contradiction that no such deterministic Büchi automaton exists.
A reversible cellular automaton is a cellular automaton in which every configuration has a unique predecessor.
Can handle cellular automaton rules with the same neighbourhood as Life, and up to eight possible states p
er cell.
Proof: Every -regular language is recognized by a nondeterministic Büchi automaton ; the translation is constructive.
I/O automaton An I/O automaton models a distributed system component that can interact with
other system components.
Leaving Bavaria with the Automaton, Maelzel was once more en ramie, as travelling showman of the wooden genius.35.425
Signal crossing in vNCA In von Neumann's original cellular automaton, the cros
sing of signals is much more difficult.30.8277
His chess-playing automaton made its first major public debut in Paris in 1914.
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Example sentences with the automaton, a sentence example for automaton, and
to make automaton in sample sentence,
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