English words and Examples of Usage
use "atheistic" in a sentence
David Simpson writes that Camus affirmed a defiantly atheistic creed.
Even a secular, atheistic, morally bankrupt entity like Comedy Central can be affected.
Periyar's influence pushed Justice into anti-Brahmin, anti-Hindu and atheistic stances.
To Hodge, Darwinism was contrary to the notion of design and was therefore clearly atheistic.
For example, she removed the atheistic passages from Queen Mab for the first edition.4.4987
br>Carvaka is classified as a heterodox (nastika) system, characterized as a materialistic and atheistic school of thought.
This book leads to an atheistic philosophy that I detest.
The Asuras have atheistic and dev
ious tendencies that grow over time.
Eighty years of Atheistic Soviet rule made Tatars of both confessions not as religious as they were.
Its atheistic, utilitarian and egalitarian doctrines raised a public outcry and Hel
vétius was forced to issue several retractions.
I think that, as atheists, when you try to communicate the atheistic message this is the central point you should hammer home again and again.
Arthur Schopenhauer (22 Februa
ry 1788 - 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher known for his atheistic pessimism and philosophical clarity.
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canker -
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Example sentences with the atheistic, a sentence example for atheistic, and
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