English words and Examples of Usage
use "assumption" in a sentence
That is a planning assumption we've got today, Brown told Reuters.
We have to operate under the assumption that it was human caused.
An assumption can be used to sell a property and avoid a prepayment penalty.
However be aware of the assumption that just providing 'the best' is enough.
It seems like a very safe assumption that $349 will get you the Apple Watch Sport.
And it relies on the assumption that soap is available, whi
ch isn't always the case.
The five per cent investment return assumption, in our opinion, is too high, he says.
To begin with, let me state my assumption: staying in the Eurozone is bad for Greece.
That assumption
came undone when plummeting prices in the market kicked off the crisis.
His assumption, because our trainer was on the field, was that it had been taken care of.
The assumption of so many people is that every penny that
the government spends is critical.
We're operating on the assumption that this flat economy is the new normal, he said.
273 more results not shown.
chant -
chant -
cognate -
assent -
bogus -
Example sentences with the assumption, a sentence example for assumption, and
to make assumption in sample sentence,
how do I use the word assumptionin a sentence? How do you spell assumption in a
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