English words and Examples of Usage
use "assertive" in a sentence
For their part, the Kurds need to be more assertive in their public diplomacy.
Under Derek McInnes, Aberdeen have become reliably strong, assertive and consistent.
The analysis said that Beijing is becoming increasingly assertive throughout East Asia.
To this end, under Xi's leadership, China has become more assertive with its neighbors.
Its problems are compounded by the security situation and an ever increasing assertive Taliban.
Iran has become more assertive in the Middle East, supporting proxies in Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.
There's Kermit the Frog, looking assertive and fun-loving with a director's bullhorn in his, uh, hand.
People who are
assertive can sometimes be seen as overly aggressive.
Assertive people can sometimes be seen as overly aggressive.
He's not very assertive, so people really take advantage of him.
As of Summer 2009 the Assertive w
as off limits to students as SMA.37.1496
Sarah is very polite and kind, but can also be quite assertive when she needs to.
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Example sentences with the assertive, a sentence example for assertive, and
to make assertive in sample sentence,
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