English words and Examples of Usage
use "assent" in a sentence
The Texas senator and GOP presidential candidate gave his assent, still holding onto his pork chop.
She gave her assent to the match.
Badsey-Ellis 2005, p. 92. While a number received Royal Assent, none were built.
Once Royal Assent has been granted, the Bill then becomes law.
However, George IV reluctantly granted his Assent upon the advice of his ministers.
Royal Assent was finally granted to the Catholic Relief Act on 13 Ap
The Bill received Royal Assent on 30 March 2006.24.6652
Decisions on war and peace are taken by the President with the assent of Parliament.
Such a bill will then go for Royal Assent and will become law, irres
pective of the view of the Lords.
He may give intellectual assent to basic Christian doctrines and claim to be a Christian.10.774
In 1667 he wrote, with the assent of the elector palatine, a tract, De statu imperii german
ici liber unus.
The London and York bill finally received Royal assent on 26 June 1846 as The Great Northern Railway Act, 1846.
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