English words and Examples of Usage
use "arrogant" in a sentence
“I think they are arrogant and show no regard for other people in society.
At first glance, you might mistakenly label a lightning rod as arrogant or rude.
This man is incredibly arrogant and his actions and words reveal his ignorance.
If Lee is a little arrogant, it is perhaps the kind of quality that South Korea needs.
As a young man, van Hove was “more arrogant and cold and driven,” Willinger says.
Even after this deal our
policy toward the arrogant U.S. will not change, Khamenei said.
“We took our prestige so seriously that as a company we too became elitist and arrogant.”
There are lingering descriptions of the Clintons as paranoid, too
protected, even arrogant.
Bollard's operations say much about the man: they are arrogant, unethical and illegal.
From their arrogant hijacking of the public agenda, to their silly belief they speak for all women.
couldn't put up with her arrogant behavior.
Kadma is a proud and arrogant woman and has the same powers as Cornelia.
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Example sentences with the arrogant, a sentence example for arrogant, and
to make arrogant in sample sentence,
how do I use the word arrogantin a sentence? How do you spell arrogant in a
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