English words and Examples of Usage
use "archetype" in a sentence
His very presence was the archetype of an ideal for our country's next phase on race.
Career Jamba is an archetype of old fashioned defending.
Examples of superhero archetype categories include the following.
He is a skateboarder/surfer dude archetype with a laidback attitude.
Our male customer will identify more with the machosexual archetype than the metrosexual.
See also * Healer (gaming) is another common archetype focused
on restoring the health of one's allies.
Pork pies are almost always eaten cold,Citation needed with the Melton Mowbray pork pie being the archetype.
Jim Gray, Alex Szalay, The World-Wide Telescope, an Archetype for Onlin
e Science, MSR-TR-2002-75, June 2002.
The Royal Commentaries as a Kaleidoscopic National Archetype: The Pursuit of Post-Colonial Identities in Peru.
Ono no Michikaze served as an archetype for the Shoren-in school whic
h later became the Oie style of calligraphy.
Because of her aggressive yet caring personality, Naru is a best known example of the tsundere character archetype.
Leon Battista Alberti), more versatile than Bruni, is ofte
n considered the archetype of the Renaissance polymath.56.9796
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